Inaugura dal 20 febbraio il progetto AREAVIDEO by MASBEDO

Si chiama AREAVIDEO ed è un progetto ideato dal duo di videomaker MASBEDO per promuovere l’attività di artisti video, emergenti e affermati. E’ pensato come luogo fisico e come piattaforma che crea comunicazione, offre spazi di visibilità, diffonde e mette in rete gruppi, contesti, ambiti di lavoro per contrastare -si legge nel comunicato- l’arida e superata idea di arte in Italia.

AREAVIDEO è una associazione che fa capo al curatore LUCA BRADAMANTE. Tra gli obiettivi dichiarati, c’è l’organizzazione di seminari, festival, incontri e la produzione di opere d’arte. E’ possibile iscriversi all’associazione sostenendo in questo modo, l’attività di AREAVIDEO. Un’occasione imperdibile per

La prima artista che esporrà dall’imbrunire a mezzanotte del 20 febbraio all’interno di AREAVIDEO è la giovane fotografa e videomaker svizzera ESTHER MATHIS in via Gentilino 6 a Milano

Info Luca Bradamante at +39.349.1200724


English versions:

AreaVideo is a video art project.

AreaVideo is a container, offering space and visibility to the language of contemporaneity.

AreaVideo is a response to the outdated and provincial idea of art in Italy, according to which video is not accepted as a visual art language.

AreaVideo is a political act: by investing their personal resources, the founders are in fact replacing the institutions, denouncing their inaction, immobility and myopia in the field of artistic research.

AreaVideo is open to video artists of any generation and any origin.

AreaVideo is a space with a shop window facing the street, a movie theater open to anyone who walks by. The program begins at dusk and ends at midnight.

The creators are MASBEDO, video artists, and Luca Bradamante, curator.

AreaVideo supports video art:

– by displaying videos of established and emerging artists;

– by raising funds for the production of new videos;

– by constituting itself as a very specialized production house;

– by promoting contests and events (festivals, conferences, seminars, screenings in cinemas and other places);

– by producing works of art in limited edition;

– by developing a network of contacts and professionals.

AreaVideo is a not-for-profit company, it is a collective project that aims to involve in its developing process artists, professionals and public. With a little or more substantial contribution it is possible to join the company to support the activities of AreaVideo.

Subscribers will get a personal card, will always be informed about all the initiatives, will receive promotional material. Furthermore, based on the membership fee, members will receive for free a limited edition work of art.

AreaVideo is in via Gentilino nr. 6 in Milan.

For information and to join, please write to:

or call Luca Bradamante at +39.349.1200724