Archivi tag: Anna Maria Monteverdi

Some of my texts about digital performance (in English..)

Here are some of my essays about Theatre, technologies (and videomapping and Lepage, and Kentridge..)



Mi presento…

Sono esperta di digital performance e video teatro; ho conseguito il dottorato di ricerca all’Università di Pisa in Stili forme e codici della rappresentazione teatrale, cinematografica e audiovisiva studiando a Québec city presso Ex machina di Robert Lepage, sul quale ho scritto una monografia (Il teatro di Robert Lepage, Bfs 2004).

Ho insegnato per molti anni al Corso di laurea in Cinema Musica e Teatro all’Università di Pisa, al Dams di Bologna e al Dams di Imperia. Docente a contratto di Digital video e drammaturgia multimediale all’Accademia di Brera Titolare della cattedra di Storia dello spettacolo prima all’Accademia di Torino e attualmente a Macerata

Ho pubblicato diversi volumi e antologie tra cui: Le arti multimediali digitali (con A. Balzola, Garzanti 2004), Nuovi media nuovo teatro (2011), Frankenstein del Living Theatre (2004) con prefazione di Judith Malina. Sono cofondatrice del webmagazine e scrivo per diverse riviste cartacee e on line:,, Hystrio, Juliet-Art magazine, Digimag. Ho scritto per riviste universitarie di teatro: Teatro e Storia, Elsinore. Ho scritto su William Kentridge, Motus, Bob Wilson, Heiner Goebbels, Marcel.lì Antunez Roca, Critical Art Ensemble.

Co-curatrice (su incarico del Diras di Genova) del progetto europeo triennale IAM su realtà aumentate applicate allo spettacolo e ai beni culturali.

Giurata a Festival di cortometraggi e drammaturgia, presente a conferenze internazionali tra cui: The global electronic Shakespeare Company (Università di Pisa), Embodiment of Authority (Helsinki, Sibelius Academy);The local, the global, and interdisciplinary performance in the works of Robert Lepage (London, British Association for Canadian Studies), Scenes-digitales- Le théatre dans la sfére du numérique (Parigi, Centre Pompidou); Convegno Bande dessinée, animation e spectacle vivant, Università di Lyon 2; Architectural mapping e interaction design (Bibliotheca Alexandrian, Alessandria D’Egitto), Le nuove tecnologie applicate all’espressione artistica (Pesaro Film Festival), Dal teatro “rimediato” al teatro “aumentato” (Teatro Valle occupato, con E.Gentile), Gli scrittori e la scena (Associazione nazionale docenti di Italianistica, Università di Sassari), Performance e performatività (Convegno annuale dell’Associazione per gli Studi di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura- Università di Messina), Rete critica  (Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza).

Da alcuni anni mi sto occupando del Teatro in Kosovo e sto traducendo l’opera del drammaturgo Jeton Neziraj per le edizioni Cut up. Location manager per MASBEDO ho collaborato con il duo di videomaker all’allestimento dell’installazione Schegge d’incanto in fondo al dubbio per la Biennale di Venezia 2009 e per Distante un padre, cortometraggio per l’ONU. Link su AMM: EduEda Educational Encyclopedy, Noemal, VuotocicloStamp ToscanaFrancoAngeli, ArteDonna Golfo dei Poeti Film Festival, Armando Adolgiso


IAM International Augmented Med: the Project


The International Augmented Med (I AM) project is an international cooperation project involving fourteen partner organisations in seven countries around the Mediterranean Sea. It is funded by the 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The 14 partners exchange expertise, support each other with technical assistance and develop joint activities to provide innovative services to the tourism sector in each of their countries.  By supporting this key sector, they will assist economic development in the region.

The I AM project aims to establish a self-sustaining cross-sector cooperation network (linking experts in IT/multimedia and tourism promotion) which will develop innovative services for the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage sites. By doing so it aims to encourage a better geographical and seasonal spread of tourism arrivals and income thanks to the diversification of tourism products and tourism locations.

The innovative services consist in the application to a number of heritage sites of a variety of multimedia techniques in the field of Augmented Reality (overlaying virtual, digital elements on reality), including advanced interactive techniques.

For example:

Videomapping (2D and 3D projections combined with sound and lighting effects ) on cultural heritage sites, monuments and historic buildings;
Interactive videoinstallations at sites or related to sites (responding to voice and movement of viewer);
Mobile applications (allowing a viewer to point a mobile phone camera at a site and display information or other virtual elements);
3D modelling and virtual reconstructions of archeological sites (to be viewed through AR goggles);
Augmented Reality (3D pop-up) guide books.


Programme priority: Sustainable Tourism
Duration: 36 months
Project start/end: 20 October 2012 – 19 October 2015
Total budget: € 3.060.650
ENPI CBC MED contribution (90%): € 2.754.583
Countries involved: 7 (Italy, Spain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia)


The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is a Cross-Border Cooperation initiative funded by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). It aims to promote sustainable and harmonious cooperation at Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with common challenges and enhancing endogenous potential. It finances cooperation projects to contribute to the economic, social, environmental and cultural development of the Mediterranean region. Fourteen countries participate in the Programme: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestinian Authority, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia. 

In 2010, a group of italian multimedia experts proposed this project in the field of Augmented Reality. The Original Team of technicians developping it consisted of:

  • Lianne Ceelen-Montaleone (Expert in EU project development);
  • Enzo Gentile and Paolo Servi (Anughea Studios – IT and multimedia specialists and AR experts);
  • Anna Maria Monteverdi (University Professor, expert in new media and technologies for theatre);
  • Liliana Iadeluca (University Professor and expert in lighting techniques).

The Municipality of Alghero (Mayor S. Lubrano, Project manager P. AlfonsoG. Calaresu andM.G. Fara) supported their plan becoming Lead partner of the project.
