What is artificial intelligence to us today? This book tackles this question from a somewhat unique perspective, that of art. The starting hypothesis is that art can provide an example of how we can engage with artificial intelligence without being subjugated by it. The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical Keywords guides the reader through a theoretical journey that begins, each time, with a particular work of art: visual artworks, but also literary texts and theatrical performances. Each chapter is anchored by a philosophical keyword: “work,” “author,” “time,” “memory,” “human.” What meanings do these words take on in light of these new practices? The book is aimed at a broad audience, including anyone who feels the need to reflect on these new questions. It will also be an essential resource for students and university faculty in various disciplines, from philosophy to media studies, from art history to visual culture.

Alice Barale is currently adjunct professor of Aesthetics at the University of Milan, Italy, where she teaches Aesthetics of the New Media. She has worked extensively on Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin, authors to whom she has dedicated two monographs (La malinconia dell’immagine, 2009 and La prima impresa: Shakespeare in Warburg e Benjamin, 2021) and several papers in Italian and English. She edited a new Italian edition and translation of The Origin of German Trauerspiel (Origine del dramma barocco tedesco, 2018). Among her most recent research interests are the philosophy of color (Il giallo del colore, 2020) and the relationship between art and artificial intelligence (ed. Arte e intelligenza artificiale. Be my GAN, 2020). On the topic of art and artificial intelligence, she is also conducting a project with two colleagues from the University of Milan, entitled “GPTheatre. Generative AI for Humanities: A Theatre Experiment”.
The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Philosophical Keywords
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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