Archivi tag: Digital masks

Adam Pizurny: “Art is Fake!”

We interviewed the digital artist Adam Pizurny specialized in the deformation / transformation of the face as a mask, from grafiti to live projection, from 3D animation to gif art. Here are some examples of his “face destruction” on Behance and some gif animation on Tumblr

1.Could you tell us your bio in a short with an attention to your specific digital language.

faces-1So, I think it all started in 2002 when I began to make my own graffiti stencils with various faces.Later on, I’ve started drawing them on computer ( ).

In 2012 I had an idea of human faces covered with various patterns, I knew it was possible on pc but was just starting with 3d graphics so I took analog way, printed patterns on foil and projected them with slide projector on real humans ( )

I just wanted to try it, didnt even planned to publish it, but friends told me to do so, and to my surprise it was success on web, I even made it to trendbook ( )

Fast forward to 2015, still learning 3D (Blender), I came across few of my projections pictures ( )  animated by awesome gif artist DarkAngelØne


And I realized that I’m now finally ready to push it forward in 3D. So I’ve setup my tumblr account and started creating gifs, just for fun.

How could you define yourself? Digital artist? Net artist?

Digital artist I think.

Which are the galleries where you show your works?

None at the moment, but preparing piece for Swimming with Narcissus exhibition in Bailey Contemporary Arts Florida which Im part of.  I reckon my gallery to be tumblr mainly where I post my stuff.


 Can you explain something about you special passion for destroy and recombining faces as a mask with Blender?

I have always been fascinated by human face and border between the perception of beauty and ugly.

Is it an attento to convert in digital art the sense of ancient theatrical masks,the mutability,the transformation of the actor?

 If you look back in past there always been masks. Its hardcoded in our psyche. Mask is an archetype, Jung called it persona, but in his meaning the persona is how our ego present itself to the world.

Is glitch and Gif formats also artistic language? Which are their specificities?
I’m sure that glitch art is an art form but yet to be recognized. I see it as continuation of Marcel Duchamp and Nouveau réalisme movement. Gif format is just another type of video language, Its nothing new.

Do you belief that these specific digital production could be considered part of that”software culture” theorized by Manovich? What is your idea of software culture?

 Yes, people are not awared that programmers are actually already changing our perception of word. And we gotta be prepared for completely new field of art generated only by deep neural networks

Can you describe how the net could contribute to your art and in general to this art form that cannot be included in the so called “system of art” (museum, gallery…)


As an “online” artist I have instant feedback from people all over the world, Also I can publish, or exhibit whatever I want whenever I want. These are things that “gallery artists” cannot do.

 Has your art something to do with “artivism”, “hacker art” “Fake art”?

I grew up as an street artist, but I no longer occupy public space, I just moved online,although I don’t sign under these (artivism) pieces for particular reasons.
I think every art is fake, as it want to mimic reality or emotions.