Mi hanno segnalato questo artista che -colpevolmente – non conosceva. Fa lught art ed è un pioniere delle installazioni luminose. Questi coni di luce sembrano adattissimi al teatro! E’ stato ospitato con le sue opere all’HANGAR BICOCCA di Milano nel 2007

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“McCall was born in England in 1946. He studied graphic design and photography at Ravensbourne College of Art and Design in Kent, England from 1964-1968. During his early career, he was a member of the London Film-makers Co-operative1 in the 1970s. This group of artists was changing the art world as they blended aspects of photography, cinema, and sculpture. McCall became notable for outdoor exhibitions that used natural elements, especially fire.

The pioneer work ‘Line Describing a Cone’, 1973

McCall moved to New York in 1973 where he embarked on a series of works dubbed ‘solid light.’ The groundbreaking Line Describing a Cone in 1973, was a first. The work was simple yet fascinating. The work was based on line drawing which shape the projection of light and makes a sculpture from a beam of light. Illusions of 3D shapes are created including ellipses, waves and flat panels. This work has been described as a blend of sculpting and cinema. Viewers of the art also become part of the art as their bodies block the light imaginatively.”
Anthony McCall. “Breath II” (2004). Installation view at Hangar Bicocca, Milan (2009). Photo: Giulio Buono.Courtesy Sean Kelly Gallery, New York; Galerie Thomas Zander, Cologne; Martine Aboucaya, Paris.
Anthony McCall – Breath (The Vertical Works), 2009, installation (vertical, single), computer, computer script, video projector, haze machine, one cycle of 6 minutes, installation view at Hangar Bicocca, Milan, photo: Giulio Buono