18 May 2023, 14.30 – 16.00, Aula M402 Santa Sofia- Università Statale di MIlano

Markus Ophälders, University of Verona

The ERC project AN-ICON “An-Iconology. History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images” is please to invite you to the last seminar of the 2022/23 series Multisensoriality, at the presence of Markus Ophälders, Associate Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Verona. 

Where and when
18th May 2023, 14.30 – 16.00, Aula M402, via Santa Sofia, Milano
This year the seminar series has returned to its in-person and public format, we look forward to seeing you there.

The phenomenon of sound is always located in a space and it creates space, sound spaces, which may be more or less perceivable: one is the situation in a concert hall, another one is that of a supermarket with some kind of music playing in the background. During my talk I will consider one of the most recent phenomena, a concert of four string quartets which has taken place in the Hangar Bicocca, a place which on its own is already extraordinary. I then will try to construct a sort of historical phenomenology of spatialization of sound, beginning with Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli, two Venetian composers of the 16th century, who introduced the “cori battenti”, two contraposed choruses, in order to create a new space by using sound. The next step will be the analysis of the disposition of the musicians practiced by Bach before proceeding onto the composition of the modern symphony orchestra also used in the case of melodramas. This gives way to the changes Wagner introduced at Bayreuth and then to the phenomena of new music: Gruppen by Karlheinz Stockhausen with three orchestras, Salvatore Sciarrino and his composition for Brunelleschi in the cupola of the Dome of Florence and, at the end, Prometeo by Luigi Nono, a composition for which Enzo Piano created an Arch with mobile elements in order to create different spaces of sound.