net:art | near in the distance 3: How close can performers get while performing at different places the world over?

A Multi-Site Sound And Dance Performance

Brucknerhaus Linz | Mittlerer Saal
Untere Donaulaende 7, 4020 Linz, Austria

1 June, 2017 | 19:00 – Short cut | 30 minutes | for TNC17 participants only
1 June, 2017 | 20:30 – Full version | 80 minutes | for general public

net:art | near in the distance 3 is the newest sequel in a series of productions that began in 2013. It is an ongoing experiment on utilizing high technology in the performing arts. The artists interact in real-time despite being widespread around the world (Linz, Barcelona, Rome, Prague, Mumbai and Hailuoto).


Linz – Tosca – Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister
Dominik Grünbühel (choreography, dance)
Resa Lut (Visual Concept and Design)

Miriam Böhmdorfer, Martha Matscheko, Anna Maria Nunzer,
Nicole Lubinger, Domen Fajfar, Miroslav Mehandzhiev

Barcelona – net dance barcelona ⇆ linz Kònic thtr
Rosa Sánchez
(choreography, concept dance, live-visual concept)
Alain Baumann
(software programming & live visual composition)
Anna Hierro (dance)

Rome – Anna Clementi | Luca Venitucci
(voice, sounds | accordion)

Prague – Hannes Strobl
(e-bass, e-upright bass)

Mumbai – Prathamesh Kandalkar

Hailuoto – Antye Greie-Ripatti
(voice, sounds, visuals)

Further information:


see information below:

We require pre-registration of your valued attendance

Please use the the following guest credentials
– E-Mail Address or GuestID: netart
– Password: Distance3
and complete the registration form of the event separately for each attendee. You will receive a reservation confirmation by e-mail. Tickets can be picked up at Brucknerhaus (in front of the entrance to “Mittlerer Saal”) on 1 June 2017 from 8 pm.

You could write a book on the technology involved: The proper placement of microphones; problems with codecs; sound mixer consoles; interface cards; LED walls; circumventing firewalls and what not. Lacking very special audio and video software solutions boasting truly low latency capabilities, and without fast high performance networks, multi-site performances are simply not doable in real time.

Behind the scenes, it’s all about managing the transfer of signals from distant places, flowing together in one multi-media show. The faster the data travel, and the lower their latencies, the better. We are not talking about seconds, here, but of the blink of an eye. Speed and huge amounts of data combine to challenge the technicians’s abilities. But they are prerequisite to any high quality of image or sound.

As in any artistic production, the goal is to enthuse the audience. Not only do the artists command their instruments, but the also play the internet. The internet itself is the unseen facilitator and at the same time the artistic venue, allowing for the artists’ interaction. And at any given moment the challenge is to create closeness, even intimacy, and to let them prevail over the distance.

net:art | near in the distance 3 is the newest sequel in a series of productions that began in 2013. It is an ongoing experiment on utilizing high technology in the performing arts.

A short while ago, Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister (Tosca) published their newest album, “Going Going Going”. Parts of this album will serve as a starting point for Rupert Huber’s telematic composition, to be developed further by artists from all over the world. Dance and music shall influence each other. The images of the dancer in Linz are processed and intertwined with the dancer in Barcelona, in real time. This interactive collage then can be received by the audience in Linz.

“performing arts over advanced networks” is a contemporary art form where different venues usually are equipped with fast network access. This time, however, this approach is altered by the inclusion of recordings from Mumbai and from the Finnish island of Hailuoto, both of which avail themselves of low bandwidths, only. Artistic and technical interaction is thus extended to include and contrast different ways and means of expression.

All components of the performance, including the musicians’ transmissions from Rome and from Prague are being condensed by way of narrative imagery.

Rosa Sanchéz:
contents, stage direction and script for the networked dance | Barcelona

Alain Baumann:
software programming & live visual composition, technical direction | Barcelona

Kònic thtr is a Barcelona based artistic platform focusing on contemporary creation at the border between art and new technologies. Its main center of activity is the application of interactive technology to artistic projects.

Kònic thtr is internationally renowned for the use and incorporation of interactive technology in creative projects. Their work has been shown in Spain, Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Through the research processes undertaken by Kònic thtr since the early 1990’s, the company has developed a unique and personal language in this field of contemporary creation.

Kòniclab is the frame for the development of research lines and artistic experimentation linked with technologies that will be applied to interactive stage and audiovisual installations projects. Since 2009, Konic has been actively developing networked performances, involving high definition Internet, dancers and musicians across the globe (e-pormundos afeto 2009, EVD58 2013, APAN 2014).

Rosa Sánchez & Alain Baumann are leading the conceptual, creative and technological developments in Kònic (Thtr&Lab).
Rosa Sánchez
– Multidisciplinary and multimedia artist, performer & choreographer. Artistic director and co founder of Konic thtr.
Alain Baumann – Musician, multimedia artist. He is in charge of the development of the interactive devices used by Konic thtr.
Both have an extensive knowledge and experience of working with new technologies applied to performance, dance, installation and theatre.