Rodrigo Carvalho _Visiophone: Interactive New Media Artist

Rodrigo Carvalho [VISIOPHONE] is a Designer & Interactive New Media artist from Porto/Portugal. His work on live visuals, coding and interactive art involves a range of different outputs, from screen digital work, interactive installations, audiovisual live acts, or interactive visuals for stage performance.

His research is focused in the real-time relations between sound, image and movement in audiovisual interactive spaces.

Find him at Vimeo / Twitter / Behance / Flickr / Pinterest / Academia

Take a look at my research blog about the synergies between Sound+Visuals+Movement

“WARNING: A WEARABLE ELECTRONIC DRESS PROTOTYPE is the result of a series of explorations in possible interactive/reactive technologies for a stage performance costume.

Four servos were mounted in the costume’s collar, and they react to proximity (through an ultrasonic sensor). When a determined proximity is detected, the servos start moving and/or changing their motion pattern, modifying the collar’s shape.
The collar, inspired by both the Australian frill-necked lizard, and the fashionable Elizabethan “whisk” collar, intends to act as extension of the performer’s body, and as an expressive reactive tool.
The body of the costume was painted with a series of six black stripes of conductive paint and as an interface to send MIDI signals and manipulate the music output.

Concept and prototype development: Kristen Weller and Rodrigo Carvalho;

Music: Ammon Taylor;
Performer: Emily Robertson;
Wig & Make Up; Allison Lowery;

Filming: Joao Beira, Yago de Quay.