Archivi tag: digital publishing

From Print to E-books: A Hybrid Publishing Toolkit for the Arts

The Institute of Networked Cultures in Amsterdam have produced this innovative toolkit for digital publishing in the arts. This practical guide, it’s a useful publication that should be of great use

This Toolkit is meant for everyone working in art and design publishing. No specific expertise of digital technology, or indeed traditional publishing technology, is required. The Toolkit provides hands-on practical advice and tools, focusing on working solutions for low-budget, small-edition publishing. Everything in the Hybrid Publishing Toolkit is based on real-world projects with art and design publishers. Editorial scenarios include art and design catalogues and periodicals, research publications, and artists’/designer’s books.

You can download from the site of SIlvio Lo Russo here

About the authors: Digital Publishing Toolkit Collective, consists of: Marc de Bruijn, Liz Castro, Florian Cramer, Joost Kircz, Silvio Lorusso, Michael Murtaugh, Miriam Rasch, Margreet Riphagen and Pia Pol

Editors: Joe Monk, Miriam Rasch, Florian Cramer and Amy Wu
Images: Medamo and Kimmy Spreeuwenberg
Print design: Medamo and Kimmy Spreeuwenberg
EPUB design: André Castro
Cover design: Medamo and Kimmy Spreeuwenberg
Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam
Supported by: SIA National Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek

 For background material, blog posts, videos and the software created within this Digital Publishing Toolkit project please visit: