Call for videoart. Over the real 2016

Over The Real presents the most significant lines of research emerged in recent years 
in the international audiovisual arts. Four days of screenings, workshops, talks, performances and side events

Call for entries for the second edition of the International Video Art Festival of Viareggio “Over the Real”.   Art Direction Maurizio Marco Tozzi Lino Strangis
Scientific Committee Veronica D’Auria

The Festival presents the most significant lines of research emerged in recent years in the international audiovisual arts. The Festival is the understanding of the Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery of Viareggio, with the cultural association VAP Viareggio, CARMA- Center of Arts and Multimedia Applied research in Rome and other prestigious international players.

Over The Real aims to create an opportunity for meeting and promotion for medium Italian and foreign artists (who work in the field of video art channel, the video installations, sound art, the multimedia performances and multimedia installations) which favors visibility and contacts with the public, with curators, art critics and cultural institutions that already during the first edition of the Festival has attracted. The selected works will show during the second edition of the International Festival of Video Art Over The Real will be in Viareggio at GAMC Lorenzo Viani, in November from 17 to 20 2016. 

PARTICIPANTS Artists wishing to participate must be over 18 years old. 2-

WORKS a) Each artist or group of artists may submit up to one video work.b) No works are accepted with a date prior to 2014. c) The file should be labeled with title, length, year and author. You can send a download link to the video file that can be found in any of the currently used standard formats (AVI, MOV, MP4 or MPG) and must be encoded with any of the following codec: H.264 AVC or MPEG-4 MPEG 2-4. We recommend that the file does not exceed 1GB (one gigabyte) in size, for easy downloading of the video. We recommend a minimum height of frame 720. d) The recommended maximum duration of 10 minutes. e) The theme will be free. f) May not be submitted works that have been presented in previous editions of OVER THE REAL 3- IS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPANY ALL WORKS a) Application form signed by the artist (below these lines). b) Biography professional of the artist or artists. (maximum 1500 strokes) c) A brief synopsis of works. (maximum 1000 strokes) d) N. 3 still digital image (jpg 300 dpi).

4 – SHIPPING ADDRESSES THE MATERIAL The download link should be sent to : 5- DATE OF DELIVERY a) Works can be submitted by download link until Septmber 11 of 2016. b) The Festival until October 9 of 2016 will send a confirm email to every artists whose works will be accept. 6- ADMISSION a) All works will become part of files Festival for use in cultural performances, noncommercial purposes and as part of the event. b) The jury is composed by: Maurizio Marco Tozzi, Lino Strangis, Veronica D’Auria 7- RETURNS The works submitted to the festival will not be returned to their authors. All works will become part of the video library of the Festival and may be presented for cultural and / or educational (in any not commercial case) by broadcast channels that the direction of the festival deems appropriate. 8- COMMENTS The organizers reserve the right the exhibition of the works that may be harmful to human rights. Taking part in the festival implies full acceptance of these rules. NOTE: The omission or misrepresentation of any information requested generated exclusion from the competition. The applications that are not complete will not be considered accepted.

Lino Strangis, Pensiero volante non identificato-720048