SiNaPS (Pluri Sensorial Narrative System), a VR (Virtual Reality) performative installation, is a newly created project by Kònic Thtr.

SiNaPS It is an immersive performative installation for unconventional spaces, which invites the audience to the combination between Virtual Reality and live performance by KONIC.

SiNaPS is a phygital (articulation of the physical and digital world) narrative project , which dialogues between the real and the virtual. It refers to the connections necessary to perform a complex process. Three acting bodies share a physical/stage space from which they jointly build sonovisual interactions in the digital world. The connection between the three characters is established by means of a generative Virtual Reality device and a motion capture system that will allow them to create immersive visual and sound environments live. Each performer has a differentiated and complementary role to jointly articulate shared and collaborative creative actions that take shape in the virtual environment.

Their roles are:

‘Sensorized body’: a performer with movement sensors modifies the virtual, visual and sound environment.

‘Visualizer’: she wears VR glasses, navigates the virtual world and shows us different views of the environment, projected. She has an immersive vision.

‘Modifier’: she wears VR goggles, is immersed in the same environment as Visualizer, but has options that allow her to associate different types of interaction to the sensible body.

‘Re-actant’: generative Virtual Reality device: a generative audio and image engine with intelligent agents that, once stimulated, have their own course.

The public presentation has two possible formats:

As a participatory installation-performance: it is carried out in six eight-minute sections, allowing up to twelve people from the public to take the role of ‘Visualizer’ or ‘Modifier’
As a stage format of a single 30-minute session, in which the performers create the live performance for an audience that will be able to enjoy the creative experience as an observer of the interactive work.


September 6, 2023: 1st Conference on Dance and Technology, Ada ArtEina. Euroregional Pyrenees-Mediterranean Project. Sa Màniga Auditorium, Majorca, Balearic Islands.

November 3, 2023: 2nd Dance and Technology Conference, Ada ArtEina. Euroregional Pyrenees Mediterranean Project. ECOSS Festival, ecosystems of the unexpected. Fabra i Coats, Barcelona.

November 11, 2023: FIAV International Festival, Casablanca, Morocco.

December 7-8, 2023: 3rd Dance and Technology Conference, Ada ArtEina. Euroregional Pyrenees-Mediterranean Project. Within the framework of the European project Metabody_Toulouse #4. Theater de la Brique Rouge, Toulouse, France.

October 14-19, 2024: CCE Mexico, Cyber Wild Encounter International Festival, Mexico City.