Archivi tag: laser show

Robert Henke / Lumière III -visual concert- RomaEuropa/Digital life

Lumière III utilizza laser ad alta precisione per tracciare rapidesuccessioni di figure astratte su di uno schermo, in assoluta sincronia con il suono. Luci intense vanno in contrasto con buio assoluto, lenti movimenti e minuscoli dettagli assumono la stessa importanza di gesta brusche e improvvise.

Il risultato è arcaico e futuristico allo stesso tempo, conferendo alle geometrie createsi molteplici chiavi di lettura: geroglifici, simboli di antichi linguaggi, architetture, sino a una dimensione che riporta panorami sintetici figli dei primi videogames (Tron su tutti), il tutto amplificato migliaia di volte.

Anche l’uso della nebbia gioca un ruolo molto importante, permettendo ai fasci di luce di essere visibili e creando una scultura tridimensionale, dando vita a una connessione tra schermo, laser e auditorium. Lumière III è stato interamente realizzato su di un software scritto dall’artista stesso.


Lumière III is using high precision lasers to draw rapid successions of abstract shapes on a screen, in perfect synchronisation with sound. The result is both archaic and futuristic at the same time. The emerging patterns leave room for many possible interpretations; hieroglyphs, symbols of an unknown language, architectural drawings, connections between data points, or Tron-like early video games, magnified a thousand times. Fog also plays an important role, it makes the laser beams visible and creates a three-dimensional sculpture connecting the screen and the lasers with the auditorium.

Laser show: compilation

Laser dance Mirror family production



Kvant Laser show “The Prolight+Sound 2014, 56 KVANT lasers were used:
41 x ATOM 800
3 x SPECTRUM 5000
2 x ATOM 1500XT
1 x ATOM 6000

Laser show by DR Enchant Intesity

Draw in lights is a unique contemporary project connectiong fine art | electronic music | lights | lasers. After many years of travelling around Europe and the rest the the world, Martin Gabco, Luka Brase, Bohus Aliensky Levcik and Peter Krchnavy decided to bring something new to the audience and create this project. Art of Luka is not anymore just in 2D perspective. With exceptional laser programming of Martin the work became 3D and even more. Bohus as a sound composer and Peter as cinematographer creating also new layers of all projects.

Laser show!

This laser show was produced by KVANT crew for Prolight+Sound 2015 that took place in Frankfurt, Germany. 50 KVANT laser systems were set in circular configuration to perform many new and innovative laser effects. In conjunction with other visual media and strong dance performance this show proved to be one of the best in the hall – that’s what we heard from majority of visitors anyway.
All this was achieved without any audience scanning so this show was 100% safe.