Archivi tag: NUFORMER

4D projection by Nurformer


4d Projection – Introducing Michael Jordan ‘Melo M8’ – Amazing Water Projection

“Until recently, 3D mapping projection campaigns typically ran no longer than 5-10 minutes. Now, some 3D mapping campaigns now are running for an entire day or week, like animated wallpaper,”, according to Rob Delfgaauw, CEO of NuFormer, a leading developer of 3D mapping projections.

But it hasn’t taken off yet and Delfgaauw has a major theory about it. One of the main barriers has been a lack of general understanding by event planners and marketers of the technology.

“Many people aren’t even aware of its existence, and only a relatively very small number of people have actually seen them in person,”Delfgaauw says.

As a result, many event planners and marketers have been unable or unwilling to convey the benefits and value of the technology to decision-makers.


The impact of 3D mapping projections in social media is undeniable. NuFormer’s 2010 campaign launching Samsung’s 3D TV model in Amsterdam, showed the viral nature of 3D mapping projections. According to Delfgaauw the campaign generated over 50,000,000 views on the web from 2010 to 2013.


3D video mapping – Samsung, Amsterdam, the Netherlands – May 2010

The company also developed a logo reveal 3D mapping campaign in 2013 for Philips aimed at highlighting the relocation of the company’s headquarters to Amsterdam. The campaign incorporated an interactive element using Kinect, which allowed dance scenes from street goers to be overlayed onto the façade of Philips’ new headquarters.

3D video mapping – Philips, Amsterdam, the Netherlands – November 2013

Videomapping contest 19 sept, Lille

VIDEO MAPPING CONTEST 19 sept. / 21 h Journées européennes du patrimoine Façade du Théâtre du Nord, Grand’Place

 The second edition of this video mapping contest is organized as part of the European Heritage Days and on the following theme: “History of the future”.

Last June, Rencontres Audiovisuelles sent over to French and international students and professionals in audiovisual, animation film, digital arts, graphic design etc., a call for a video mapping contest, organised within the European Heritage days. Each work has been designed for the front façade of the Théâtre du Nord according to the theme “History of the future”.

Sylvain Legros, Nicolas Charuel, Vincent Subrechicot, Nathanael Huguet, Corentin Birée We Are Kraft France - 4 min 15
Sylvain Legros, Nicolas Charuel, Vincent Subrechicot, Nathanael Huguet, Corentin Birée
We Are Kraft
France – 4 min 15

Two prizes will be awarded at the end of the evening by a jury of professionals. With the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, TNCE project, the City of Lille and Citeos.





Justine Beaujouan – Directrice du Mapping Festival (Genève)

Rob Delfgaauw – Fondateur de NuFormer

Julien Dubois – Adjoint au Patrimoine, Ville de Lille

Gilles Flouret – Chargé des grands projets, Fête des Lumières (Lyon)

Alain Grisval – Responsable développement, Citeos

Michel Ocelot – Réalisateur de films d’animation

Abbe Robinson – Chargée de projets pour la Ville de Leeds, coordinatrice du Light Night Festival (Leeds)

VR experience: NuFormer

In 2014 Virtual Reality (VR) will be introduced to an undoubtedly fast growing group of users worldwide. With announced introductions of VR goggles like the Oculus Rift the consumer market will soon get acquainted with VR when using these goggles for playing video games in a more immersive way at home. Advanced full body motion tracking systems are even expanding the possibilities of VR when people are able to walk around or fly through a virtual world.
download (39)
In anticipation of the coming period NuFormer, famous for its 3D video mapping projections, has connected Virtual Reality to video projection that can be mapped on anything. As a result, the VR experience of one to four people in a specific VR environment now can be shared with an audience. For example in front of a building where the projection content is projected on.
The viewers on that venue will be able to see the virtual environment that is similar to what the players see in their goggles while tracked in a VR environment. Maybe you even like to have your audience to have a spectacular overview of the VR world the players are in. This and much more can now be realized. (NuFormer)